
Amnesia the dark descent the shadow
Amnesia the dark descent the shadow

amnesia the dark descent the shadow

Two of the "monsters" aren't crazy and only want to kill Justine which is plenty of reason to help the prisoners escape. Do you really think they couldn't escape? There's plenty of food and water in the dungeons to keep them going (the potatoes). There's one door blocked by a beam preventing their escape. There are three prisoners that she captured that are capable enough to free themselves from their shackles after you "save them". Justine should be worried about those prisoners escaping.If you take the best ending of Justine as canon, since it is the 100% completed ending then Justine is probably screwed. True the man was a Walking Wasteland, but stayed in the same area for 25 days and the guardian didn't attack him. Then something very large tried to take him away, before raising him up and putting Daniel back onto ship. Heck Daniel was once spellbound by dreams, fell overboard from the SS Hortensia headed for London. Reading the journals reveals the Shadow was merely following him from the archaeological expedition to Africa, to London, and across Europe.The Shadow regards Daniel as much of its possession as the mysterious artifacts it usually guards - its so obsessed with him that it would kill anyone who dared make contact with him, and even ignore the two orbs currently residing in Brennenburg, making no attempt to recover them. The Shadow isn't hunting Daniel, but it is still terrifying.Alexander keeps telling Daniel he's "branded" by the cosmic guardian, implying ownership, simply because he touched the orb and by doing so, became "tainted", inadvertently invoking the relic's powers and channeling them into himself.

Amnesia the dark descent the shadow